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Real Estate Agents

The modern agent sells digitally

Now is the time to advance and modernise, in line with the digital evolution that the industry is experiencing. Securexchange can help you on this journey by offering a transparent, secure, and collaborative workspace to safely share confidential information, contracts, and funds. 

Plus, the Securexchange dashboard offers you ultimate clarity throughout the property transaction. Receive instant notifications via text and email when you receive an offer and review all potential buyers on the dashboard. This level of transparency allows you to easily identify the best offer to present to your client and complete the buying cycle quicker than ever before.

Our Partners

Securexchange is uniquely positioned to deliver digital property transaction solutions that meet the needs of the legal and real estate industry.
There were 74,571 phishing attempts in 2022.
$24 mil
The amount lost financially due to phishing scams in 2022.
The year on year increase of finances lost due to phishing scams, from $4,324,128 in 2021 to $24,617,192 in 2022.
Source: as reported to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) Scamwatch.