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Complimentary Cyber Security Awareness Training

How to protect your real estate business from cyber crime.

Complimentary training modules

Securexchange has partnered with AON Australia and REIV to offer you complimentary Cyber Security Awareness Training.

To help you protect your business and your clients, the training focuses on topics including, how to identify fraud activity, how to protect yourself from hacking attempts and what to do if your business is hacked. The training consists of two 30-minute online presentation modules.

To complete the online training and receive certification, both training videos must be watched and the quiz for each section, completed.

2 CPD unit* as approved by REIV

What does the training cover?

Part 1 Topics

  • What is payment redirection fraud?
  • How does payment redirection fraud work?
  • How does payment redirection fraud affect my real estate business?
    – The consequences of being scammed
    – Why cybercriminals target the real estate business
  • How to protect yourself and your real estate business

Part 2 Topics

  • How to tell if you have been hacked
  • Supply chain attacks & new attack methods
  • Security first culture in your real estate business
  • Cyber insurance
  • What to do if you get hacked?

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Training provided by

Aon brings together its depth of risk and people solutions to enhance business outcomes. We understand the requirements of all sectors of Australian business from large corporates, consultants and associations to micro, small & medium businesses, government and private individuals. Aon clients have access to an unparalleled range and depth of resources. Our global network means we can access the right expertise, delivered locally.

The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) is the state’s peak body for the real estate industry, representing the profession for more than 100 years. The REIQ is at the forefront of providing training, advocacy and advice for Queensland’s real estate professionals and is championing the use of technology to connect people and property.